Airmount Cemetery

Here are a few photos of the Airmount Cemetery, which is on land originally owned by J. M. Strain.


A full view, looking south, as you enter the clearing where the cemetery is located. The Primitive Baptist church was located just to the left.

Closer to the center of the Cemetery are the Strain monuments. The large center one is Varina Davis Strain Shannon, and her two sons.

Infant child of J. M. and C. C. Strain, 1860.

A large monument to Varina Davis Strain Shannon, and two of her sons. A center piece is missing, and there is a lengthy inscription on her side.

This center section of the V. D. Strain & Sons monument was leaning on the back side of the monument.

A separate gravestone for Guy Ainsley Shannon.

A separate gravestone for Robert Strain Shannon.

Adjacent to the Infant Strain monument are two older Robinsons. This is Luke Robinson.

Matilda Robinson, wife of Luke. I strongly suspect that Luke and Matilda Robinson are Caroline C. Robinson Strain's parents.

David Murphree and his wife's burial location. This is the earliest grave, 1838, apparently. There is no relation to the Strains