James Madison Strain files from Yalobusha Courthouse

Below are a few scans of documents in the Yalobusha Courthouse in Coffeeville, MS.  They bear his signature and show typical duties he had to execute as the County Clerk.  Notice the letter from the attorney in 1879, clearly written to him as "Capt J M Strain."  This is strong evidence that he was actually a Captain in the Civil War, something I thought was family exaggeration until I saw this letter!


A letter from attorney M. E. Sullivan to "Capt J M Strain," who was the Clerk of the Court at that time (1879).

A Court Summons related to the Shannon vs. Coleman case. This is the same case that the previous letter was about.

A very clear "J M Strain" signature is on this summons, and from that signature, it becomes obvious that the entire document is in his handwriting.

Another summons with the clear signature of "J M Strain." I believe this was a somewhat rare divorce case between John and Louisa Gage.

This also appears to be entirely in his hand writing.