J. M. Strain Home, Airmount, and other Documents

Below are pictures of James Madison Strain's home and a few documents related to him from the Courthouse in Coffeeville.


Several detailed pictures of "Airmount" - the home of J. M. Strain.

This page is from the Murphree Quarterly.

The Primitive Baptist Church, Loosa Skuna, located on land owned originally by J. M. Strain. It was burned by arson a few years ago.

This page is from the Murphree Quarterly.

A letter addressed to "Capt J. M. Strain" from an attorney, regarding a case.

A court summons, showing the kinds of things that J. M. Strain had to take care of as the Clerk of the County Court in the 1870s.

This entire document is in his handwriting.

Another summons, also in J. M. Strain's handwriting.