The below information was transcribed from the microfilm records in the Mississippi State Archives in Jackson, MS, by James A. Strain.

Monticue (Montecue) C. Allen

Company F, 2 Partisan Rangers

Card 1

M. C. Allen

Pvt., Capt. Jno. E. Fola’s Co., Col. Acee’s Reg’t of Partisans.*

Age __ years.

Appears on

Company Muster-in Roll

of the organization named above. Roll dated

Grenada, Miss., Aug 4, 1862.

Muster-in to date Aug 4, 1862,

for the term of the war.

Joined for duty and enrolled:

When: Aug 4, 1862.

Where: Grenada, Miss.

By whom: Capt. Fola.

By whom mustered: Capt. Fola.

When mustered: Aug 4, 1862.

*Col. Acee’s Regiment of Partisans does not appear to have completed its organization, and Capt. Fola’s Company subsequently became (Old) Company D, Balentine’s Regiment of Cavalry.

In July, 1862, Capt. J. G. Ballentine was ordered by Brig. Gen. Villepigue, who was then commanding in North Mississippi, to collect and form into a regiment all independent and unattached companies then on duty in that department. The regiment was formed of six Mississippi companies and one Mississippi and Tennessee company: two Mississippi companies and one Louisiana company were added in October, 1862, and one Tennessee company was added in December, 1862. In August 1863, the regiment was reduced to ten companies by the consolidation of Companies D and F.

The organization was known as Ballentine’s Regiment of Cavalry in the field, but it was designated as the 2d Regiment Mississippi Partisan Rangers on records of the Confederate War Department.

Card 2

Confederate, 2 Partisan Rangers. Miss.

Monticue C. Allen

Pvt, Co. F, Ballentine’s Reg’t of Cavalry.

Appears on

Company Muster Roll

of the organization named above,

for July 12 to Oct 31, 1862.


When: July 12, 1862.

Where: Pittsboro.

By whom: Capt. A. M. Reasons.

Period: 3 yrs.

Present of absent: Present.

This card includes the same description of Ballentine’s company as card 1.

Card 3 (all cards follow the same layout as the prior card.)

Morticue C. Allen

Pvt, Co. F, Ballentine’s Reg’t of Cavalry.

Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above for Oct 21, 1862, to Feb 28, 1863.

Enlisted July 12, 1862. Where: Pittsboro, Miss. By whom: Capt. A. M. Reasons. Period: 3 yrs.

Last paid: By whom: Capt. W. D. Heflin. To what time: Oct 31, 1862.

Pay for horse, 40 cts. per day, $48 _/100


This card includes the same description of Ballentine’s company as card 1.

Card 4

Monticue C. Allen

Pvt, Co. F, Ballentine’s Reg’t of Cavalry.

Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above for Feb 28, to June 30, 1863.

Enlisted July 12, 1862. Where: Pittsboro. By whom: Capt. A. M. Reasons. Period: 3 yrs.

Last paid: By whom: Capt. W. D. Heflin. To what time: Feb. 28, 1863.


This card includes the same description of Ballentine’s company as card 1.

Card 5

Mortica C. Allen*

Pvt, Co. F, Ballentine’s Reg’t of Cavalry.

Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above for July & Aug, 1863.

Enlisted July 12, 1862. Where: Pittsboro, Miss. By whom: Capt. A. M. Reasons. Period: 3 yrs.

Last paid: By whom: Capt. W. D. Heflin. To what time: June 30, 1863.


Remarks: *Name appears in col of names Present as Monticue C. Allen.

This card includes the same description of Ballentine’s company as card 1.

Card 6

Monticue C. Allen

Pvt, Co. F, Ballentine’s Reg’t of Cavalry.

Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above for Sept & Oct, 1863.

Enlisted July 27, 1862. Where: Pittsboro, Miss. By whom: Capt. A. M. Reasons. Period: 3 yrs.

Last paid: By whom: Capt. W. D. Heflin. To what time: June 30, 1863.

Present or absent: absent.

Remarks: Detailed to go home after a horse Oct. 23, 63.

This card includes the same description of Ballentine’s company as card 1.

Card 7.

Monticue C. Allen

Pvt, Co. F, Ballentine’s Reg’t of Cavalry.

Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above for Nov & Dec, 1863.

Enlisted July 12, 1862. Where: Pittsboro, Miss. By whom: Capt. A. M. Reasons. Period: 3 yrs.

Last paid: By whom: Capt. W. D. Heflin. To what time: Aug 31, 1863.

Present or absent: Present.

This card includes the same description of Ballentine’s company as card 1.


Card 8.

Monticue C. Allen

Pvt, Co. F, Ballentine’s Reg’t of Cavalry.

Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above for Oct 31, 1863 to Feb 29, 1864.

Enlisted July 27, 1862. Where: Pittsboro, Miss. By whom: Capt. Reason. Period: 3 yrs.

Last paid: By whom: Capt. Heflin. To what time: Aug 31, 1863.

Present or absent: absent.

Remarks: absented himself without leave Feb 26, 1864.

This card includes the same description of Ballentine’s company as card 1.

Card 9.

Monticue C. Allen

Pvt, Co. F, Ballentine’s Reg’t of Cavalry.

Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above for May & June, 1864.

Enlisted July 27, 1862. Where: Pittsboro, Miss. By whom: Capt. Reasons. Period: 3 yrs.

Last paid: By whom: Capt. Heflin. To what time: Oct 31, 1863.

Present or absent: absent.

Remarks: In arrest.

This card includes the same description of Ballentine’s company as card 1.

Card 10.

Monticue C. Allen

Pvt, Co. F, Ballentine’s Reg’t of Cavalry.

Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above for July & Aug, 1864.

Enlisted July 12, 1862. Where: Pittsboro, Miss. By whom: Capt. Reasons. Period: 3 yrs.

Last paid: By whom: Capt. Heflin. To what time: Oct 31, 1863.

Present or absent: Present.

This card includes the same description of Ballentine’s company as card 1.

Card 11.

Monticue C. Adams

Pvt, Co. F, Ballentine’s Reg’t of Cavalry.

Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above for Sept & Oct, 1864.

Enlisted July 27, 1862. Where: Pittsboro, Miss. By whom: Capt. Reasons. Period: 3 yrs.

Last paid: By whom: Capt. Heflin. To what time: Oct 31, 1863.

Present or absent: Present.

This card includes the same description of Ballentine’s company as card 1.

There are two additional pieces of paper in the CMSR, which are receipts.

Selma, Ala. May 23rd, 1864.

Received of J. C. Graham, Captain and A. Q. M. C. S. Army, the following Articles of Clothing, which are due me, and which I will faithfully report to the Commanding Officer of my company; and that I am not indebted to the Confederate States beyond the amount herein drawn for. [Signed Duplicates.]

One Pr Shoes

private M. C. Allen, Co. F. Balentines Reg


D W Lucirus??

Same type of receipt dated Jun 2, 1862(?check this year), Selma Ala. Received One Blanket. Signed and witnessed.