Gabriel Mastin’s CMSR from the National Archives

Transcribed by James A. Strain © 2005


The Compiled Military Service Record for Captain Gabriel Mastin contains 4 Cards (3 Muster Rolls and 1 Pay Roll), as well as 1 enclosure card, which is a subsistence account.  Each card has a heading of :

2 (Col. Lowry, Lt. Col. Hammonds) W. Tenn. Militia, Gabriel Mastin, Capt, {Capt. Gabriel Mastin’s Co. of Inf., 2 Reg’t Tennessee Militia. (War of 1812.) appears on [One card includes “commanded by Alexander Lowry” at the end of the print.]


Company Pay Roll

For Sep 20 1814 to Apl 10, 1815, Roll not dated, Commencement of service or of this settlement, Sep 20, 1814. Expiration of service or of this settlement, Apl 10, 1815. Term of service charged, 6 months, 21 days. Pay per month, 40 dollars, __ cents. [Amount of pay, *] 268 dollars, __ cents.

*From rolls of other companies in same regiment.


Company Muster Roll

For Sept 20, 1814, when mustered into service, to Mch 20, 1815, Roll dated x Sept 22, 1814. Date of appointment or enlistment, Sept 20, 1814, To what time engaged or enlisted, Mch 20, 1815, marked Present.

x roll torn.


Company Muster Roll

For Sep 20, 1814, when mustered into service at Fayetteville, Tenn., to Apl 10, 1815, when mustered out at Wilson’s Springs, Madison County, Miss. Ter.  Roll dated Wilson’s Springs Madison Co. M. T. Apl 10, 1815.  When mustered into service, Sep 20, 1814. What time mustered out of service, Apl 10, 1815.  Marked Present.  Note: Distance from residence at Springfield, Robertson County, to rendezvous, calculated at about 100 miles, and from Wilson Springs, Madison County, M. T. where mustered out, to Springfield, about 125 miles.


Company Muster Roll

For Sept 20, 1814, when mustered into service, to Dec 31, 1814.  Roll dated Dec 31, 1814.  Date of appointment or enlistment, Sept 20, 1814. o what time engaged or enlisted, Mch 20, 1815. Marked Absent.  Remarks and alterations since last muster: Left sick at Montgomery by order  of Colo Lowry.




Gabriel Mastin

Captain, 2nd West TN Militia


I certify that Gabriel Mastin who filed this claim served as a Capt in the 2nd Regt Ten Mil commanded  alternately by Cols Loury and Hammond part of Genr Taylors Brigade in the Service of the U States and that he perform for the period charged and that he performed the marches as stated herein.


W. C. Smart

Maj. 2. R. T. M.


[The top portion of below page, which connects to above, is missing in my copy.  Don’t know if they just missed it when they copied it in the National Archives for me, or if it is really missing, though I believe it is actually missing.]

[first line is not decipherable]

. . .of the public money of transportation in said Regt or Brigade and that I have never recd any money or other compensation from the U States in Lieu thereof or any part thereof herein charged to the best of my knowledge and belief

Signed duplicates

Gabriel Mastin Capt [signature]

State Tennessee     }

Davidson County  }

Sworn to and Subscribd before me this 27 day of Jany, 1817

Stephen Cantrell Jr

Justice of the Peace


[The below page, a travel voucher, shows the miles he traveled while in service with General Andrew Jackson, and is the reverse side of the above portion, also missing the top quarter of the page.]

[top heading? is missing, but appears to have dates.]


From Fort Montgomery to Pensacola                            Miles

And back to Fort Montgomery                                        150

Thence to Mobile                                                            57

From Mobile to Fayetteville the

          primary place of Rendezvous                                 463


                                      Miles at 8 cents per Mile                      $53.60

                                                          Deduct?                              4.56

                                                          Signed duplicates           $49.04

                                                          Gabriel Mastin Capt (signature)


Recd July 31st 1817 of Howard Tatum?  qmst?(agent?) For the deptment of war, Forty nine Dollars and four cents in _?_ for this acct.

                             Signed duplicates,

Gabriel Mastin Capt (signature)


George Mansfield?


[Next page is a mostly printed page, with just the dates filled in, as well as the amounts.]


SUBSISTENCE ACCOUNT of Capt Gabriel Mastin of the Second Regiment of Tennessee Militia Commanded by Colo Lowry.


Commencement/Expiration/Number of Days/Number of rations per day/Total number of rations/Post or place where due/

Price of rations (Cents) – /AMOUNT(Dollars.Cents)/Remarks.


20th Septr 1814/10th April 1815/202/3/606/[blank]/


        49.20/Deduct for 246 Rations Received in Kind



I CERTIFY, That the calculation and additions of this subsistence account have been exami- [bottom portion of this left side of the account is missing from this point, though I can read “Seventy Two”.]


RECEIVED OF Robert Leary District Pay-Master, this 20th day of July 1816 the sum of Seventy two -/100 Dollars, in full of my subsistence account from 20 Septr 1816 to 10 April 1815.

Signed duplicates hereof,

Gabriel Mastin Capt [signature]


[Reverse of the top portion of the above subsistence account is cut off on the right side, and may be missing some words, and is certainly missing a portion of his signature.  The end of a line is signified by a “/”.]


I swear, that the within account is accurate and just; and/ time signed accounts, (in duplicates or otherwise) or receipt rolls f/ med; nor in any manner transferred or alienated my claim by ?/ account, or otherwise; and that I have not drawn rations in kind/ or received money in lieu thereof, for or during any part of the tim/ that I actually employed and kept in service the number of serv/ the army; and the I did not, during the term so charged, keep/ servants, soldiers of the line of the army.  Signed duplicates her/ Sworn to before me this 19th day of July 1816 Gabriel [signature][portion missing here.]

T. S. Elliston JP