Transcribed by James A. Strain © 2004.

David Strain, deceased prior July 1, 1823, and after 28 Sep 1822.

Administrator’s Docket Book, No. 1.

Date/No./Names of Decd/Admins Apt/Bond/Security/Remarks

July 1st (1823)/64/David Strain/John R. Strain/$300/William Patton Wm Hughey/Not Settled time Expired March 1828 suit filed July T (Term)1838.

Appraisement Bill, p. 372-74, Book?

The State of Ohio Highland County

On the 5th day of September 1823, Edward Byram Samuel Strain and George Elwood Appraisers of the of David Strain late of Maddison Township in said County deceased personally Appeared before me William Hughey A Justice of the Peace in & for said County and were duly sworn according to law well & truly to Appraise all the goods & chattels of the Estate of the said David Strain deceased Which shall be presented to them for Appraisement sworn under my hand the date above written.

W. Hughey J.P.

A true and Correct inventory of the goods & Chattels of David Strain deceased presented to us the undersigned Appraisers of said Estate by John R. Strain Admr of said Estate this 5th day of September 1823.

150 bushels of Corn in the field at

Wheat in the Sheaf

4 Sheep first Choice

3 do 2d do

Flax Break


one Shovel Plow



Pair of double trees

Log Chain

One Shovel plow

One Pair of Horse Geers

do do do


One Pair of Clevise

Bar share Plow

Broad ax

Chopping do


Iron Wedge & old Ax

Remnant of Breaching

two jointer plasses

Hand saw

two screw augers

Coopers Auge

Pair of Coopers Compases

Inshave Crowze & Cooper’s Knife

Drawing Knife & Chissel

two weeding hoes

Cross Cut saw

Still, worm & Fleakstand

Six Still Tubes

Singling tub & 2 Kegs

Flour Barrell

Fat Can, tar bucket & Salt Keg


One bedstead & cord


two reeds, temple, & Raythe

pair of loom gears

Kettle & Bayles

do do

Iron Pot

Dutch oven & lid

two buckets & hand rake

real & Hop bucket

skellett & Pot

one Rifle Gun and accoutrements

Flax Wheel

Stone Jug

Fire Shovel

two split bottom Chairs

Five do do do


two buckets & bread tray

Cupboard furniture

Hair Seive

Trunk & Chest

Bed of furniture

one Brindled Cow



One heiffer


Steer Calf

Stack of Hay

two hogs

Six pigs

one sow & 3 pigs

three hoggs

one horse


fifteen geese

Total amount of bill of Appraisement $254.40

Appraised – by Us the day & year Above written

Edward Byram }

Saml Strain } Appraisers

George Elwood }

Five hundred and Eighteen dollars 37 1/2 cents worth of the property in this appraisement bill was set off to the Widow as her support for one year Sept 15th 1823.

John R. Strain, admr.

Recorded September 15th 1824.


David Strain Sale Bill

pp. 375-76. [I have listed only the buyers names, not the items purchased.]

A list of the Goods & Chattels belonging to David Strain late of Madison Township Highland County deceased Sold at publick Sale by the undersigned Administrator of said Estate on the 6th day Sept 1823.

Isaac Hughey

Andrew Cunningham

Jacob Simbro

John B. Strain

Edward Byram

Job Combs

John Wilson

James Hughey

John Wilson

Wm Hughey

Thomas Hughey

Thomas Watts

Jno R. Strain

Saml B. Strain

Benjamin Adair

James Hughey

William Hughey

George Ellwood

Isaac Hughey

John R. Strain

Jonas Stafford

Andrew Johnson

Job Combs

J. R. Strain
Robert McCarter

John Wilson

William Hughey

Robert McCarter

Benjn McClure

John R. Strain

Wm Hughey

Returned & Recorded September 15th 1824.


PACKET No. 563

David Strain Decd.; John Strain Admr.; 1823;





Acct. for Settlement, John R. Strain, Admr., 1838, July 14th 1845 for ???; filed July T. 1838, was not Ret'd?