(including wife Caroline C. and daughter Varina D. Shannon)

(Note: Strain/Jim C. Page was a Mercantile Store in Airmount)

Date Filed/deeded From To Description

(Pg. Number)

1856 (bk P, 315) P W Lucas, tr. Strain NE 1/4 sec12 &

S 1/2 of NW 1/4 of 12/24/7E

1869/1868 Strain/wife D. E. Kelly NE 1/4 of 12/24/7E

1869/1868 " " W 1/2 NW 1/4 7/24/8E (Calhoun)

1870/1859 (174) M. W. Ligon Strain N 1/2 of SE 1/4 12/24/7E

1870 Duke Strain/Page Mare/cow/calf/corn cot. crop

1870 Rayburn " " 4 bales cotton

1871 Strain Page 1/2 of the 1 acre Norris Lot in

S 1/2 of NW 1/4 12/24/7E

1871 Harris Strain/Page 3 sows/1 hog/15 shoats

1871 Shaw Strain/Page 2 cows &calves/2sow 8shoats

1871 Dow Ligon " 1 cow, calf/1 sow 7pigs

1871 (630) Boon " 2 Sows 13 pigs

1871 (631) Morris " Mule/cow/heifer/9hogs/sow4pigs

1872 Strain/Page Holly N1/2 SE1/4 &

N1/2 of S1/2 SE1/4 12/24/7E (120)

1872/73 Strain Lamar S1/2 NW1/4 12/24/7E (1.5 acres)

Johnson lot, next to Morris

1872/73 Strain Page Parcel next to Store House lot?

1874/75 (354) " JM/CC Kelly part S1/2 NW1/4 (50 acres)

1875 Strain Trustee Page/Woodall Norris house&lot known as Johnson

2 acres

1876 Brown Strain Trust mare

1873/76 Strain&wife Hamblet parcel of land SW of the Plaza of his Store adjacent to public road.

1869/76 Strain Holly NW1/4 of SE1/4 &

W1/2 NE1/4 SE1/4 12/24/7E

60 acres

1871/76 Holly Strain/Page N1/2 SE1/4 &

N1/2 S1/2 SE1/4 12/24/7E

120 acres

1874/77 Strain Woodall public road front of Pages,

adj. to current Woodall property

S1/2 NW 1/4 12/24/7E

1 acre

1877 Strain, comr., Case No. 473, Sept. 1876.

Sells land for court from trustees of Meth. Episcopal Church to Bettie Wilson

1877 Strain&wife Hamblet S1/2 NW1/4 12/24/7E

lot formerly owned by Woodall, now Hamblet, in front of Store of Pages & Woodall.

1879 (615) Strain, Comr., Case No. 495, March 1878

Sells land for court, James M. Taylor against George W. Jones.

1878/79 Branum CC Strain The Oliver Lot (T M. Oliver, James

Jones, Deed Book K, p. 428-many other adjacent names and deeds) 2 acres SW1/4 W1/2 NE1/4 4/24/6E

1879 Strain, Comr. Case No. 503, Gumbel of New Orleans against

F M Duke, Sold Lots 11, 18 & 19, Block B, in town of Gainer.

1879 Strain, comr. Case No. 1255. J. H. Toumlin, guardian of Albert

Johnson, an idiot, sold to J. J. Hunt. 200 acres, SE1/4 NE1/4 SW1/4 25/25/4E

1879 Bellamy&wife CC Strain (missing 2nd page) a Quit claim

1879 Strain&wife Bellamy Quit claim, a part of the north end of

the W1/2 NE1/4, and part of the north end of E1/2 NW1/4 4/24/6E, 55acres, except for 2 off the SW corner known formerly as the Ramsey place, in Coffeeville.

1879 Strain&wife Morrison A house and lot in Coffeeville,

known as the Thomson M. Oliver of James Jones, Deed Book K, p. 428. on hill formerly owned by F. P. Tempel/Jefferson. (Lots of neighbors, etc. & Deed entries mentioned). 4/24/6E

1879 Strain, comr. Hide Bond for sale of property owned by:

Baleys E Williams Caleb Gore, et al vs. Jordan Williams Jr. et-al, March 1879 term/Perkins note. 320 acres NW1/4 27/24/7E & NW1/4 21/24/7E

1880 Strain, comr. Hyde (Baleys E Williams Caleb Gore et-al

vs. Jordan Williams Jr. et-al, no. 471, 1879. Hyde complies with bond and purchases above property.

1882 Strain,JM/CC, Deed in Trust Terry and Terry, guardian of Luna

Kennedy. Part of S1/2 NW1/4 12/24/7E 55 acres.

1879/82 Strain, clk&mstr Talbert Talbert vs. Talbert &

Wilbourn&wife, no. 504, March 1879. SE1/4 SE1/2 SW1/4 11/24/4E and W1/2 SW1/4 12/24/4E.

1883 Strain appears as Mayor on a Deed of Kelly to Hodnett.

1884 (161) Strain, Deed trust Terry, and Terry, Guardian of Luna

Kennedy. Contains a cancelled note of two Deeds of trust from E L Terry dated March 8th 1886. S1/2 NW1/4 12/24/7E 55 acres.

1884/86 Taylor, Paul W and Sarah. Varina D. Shannon

N1/2 NE1/4 10/24/7E

J. M. Strain, witnessed as Mayor of Air Mount in Dec. 1884.

1884/86 Henry&Wife JM & JJ Shannon 9/24/7E

J. M. Strain, witnessed as Mayor of Air Mount in Nov. 1884.

1885/86 Farley, Deed of Trust Varina D. Shannon Various bales of Hay

per annum. Deed was satisfied 1890 by J. J. Shannon.

J. M. Strain, witnessed as Mayor of Air Mount in Dec. 1885.

1886 71 Strain, deed of trust Spearman S1/2 NW1/4 12/24/7E

55 acres. Deed satisfied 1887.

1883/88-89 Strain, comr. G. W. Shannon Case No. 588, W. L. Person

et al vs. Mary E. Durrett et al. 1883. N1/2 NW1/4 12/24/7E 80 acres.

1887/88-89 Strain, comr. G. W. Shannon S1/2 NW1/4 12/24/7E

north of a line beginning at the SW corner of NW1/4 running east to land deeded to Armstrong in 1872 now owned by Spearman, at the foot of the hill on the south side of the public road, etc.. 16 1/4 acre… on and on.. LOTS of description… G W Shannon’s Mill.

1894 Shannon, JJ & wife (Patsy), deed trust GW Shannon, 2nd part, JM Shannon, 3rd part. NE1/4 & N1/2 of SE1/4 of sec. 9

AND SW1/4 sec 10, 24/7E. This also has an abundance of other property (animal stock, etc) deeded to them.

1895 Strain Dr. G. W. Shannon S1/2 NW1/4 12/24/7E, the lot where now stands the doctor’s office formerly occupied by Dr. J. M. Shannon afterwards by Dr. A L Jackson and at present occupied by Dr. Landreth and … rock on S side of the public road 53 ft. corner of house occupied by D. E. Spearman, etc…sold to J M Shannon about 1883. 8th July 1895, witnessed by J S Malone, JP, at Pittsboro on the same day.

James Madison Strain, buried in Pittsboro Cemetery, death date June 26, 1896.