Transcribed by James A. Strain


Strain, Robert. (d. 1824)



Abbeville District: }

WHEREAS Robert Wilson has

made suit to me to grant him letters of Administration of the estate and effects of Robert Strain late of said district deceased

THESE are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Robert Strain deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the court of Ordinary, to be held at Abbeville on Monday next after publication hereof, to shew cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted.

GIVEN under my Hand and Seal, this sixth day of November in the year of our Lord 1824 and in the forty ninth year of American Independence.

PUBLISHED at Upper Longcane the 21st day of Novr 1824

Wm H. Barr

Moses Taggart O.A.D.



Abbeville District: }

By Moses Taggart Esq. Ordinary for the District aforesaid.

WHEREAS Robert Wilson Administrator of the Goods and Chattles of Robert Strain late of said District deceafed, has petitioned the Court for liberty to fell the perfonal property of faid eftate; and it appearing proper, upon due inveftigation, to grant the prayer of the faid petition:

THESE are therefore to permit and empower the faid Robert Wilson Administrator as aforesaid to expofe to fale at public out-cry, on the 14 day of december next at the late Residince of said deceased the property of faid eftate, which may have come into his hands, to the higheft bidder, on a credit of twelve months for all fums above two dollars, taking Bond or note with fufficient Security; for all over two Dollars, and all fums under, Cafh on delivery, fifteen days previous notice to be given by public advertifements, and a return of the proceedings of faid fale to be by him so made to the Ordinary’s Office aforesaid within the time prefcribed by law.

GIVEN under my Hand and Seal, this thirteenth Day of November Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and twenty four and of American Independence the forty ninth.

Moses Taggart





Abbeville District: }

KNOW All Men by these Presents, That we, Robert Wilson , Matthew Wilson and Samuel Houston all of the State & district aforesaid are holden and firmly bound unto Moses Taggart Esquire, Ordinary for the District of Abbeville aforesaid in the full and just some of One thousand dollars good and lawful Money of this State, to be paid to the said Moses Taggart or his successors, Ordinaries of this District, or their certain attorney or assigns. To which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and every of us, our and every of our Heirs, Executors and Administrators, for the whole, and in the whole, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents.

Sealed with our seals, and dated the thirteenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty four.

THE Condition of the above Obligation is such, that if the above bound Robert Wilson, Administrator of the goods, chattels, and credits of Robert Strain late of said district, deceased, do make a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods, chattels and credits of the said deceased, which have or shall come to the hands, possession or knowledge of the said Robert Wilson or into the hands or possession of any other person or persons for him and the same so made, do exhibit into the said Court of Ordinary, when he shall be thereunto required, and such goods, chattels and credits do well and truly administer according to law, and do make a just and true account of his actings and doings therein when required by the said Court, and all the rest of the said goods, chattels and credits which shall be found remaining upon the account of the said administration, the same being first allowed by the said Court, shall deliver and pay unto such persons respectively as are entitled to the same by law, and if it shall hereafter appear that any last will and testament was made by the said deceased, and th same be proved to Court, and the Executors obtain a certificate of the probate thereof, and the said Robert Wilson do in such case, if required, render and deliver up the said Letters of Administration, then the Obligation to be void, or else to remain in full force.

Robert Wilson (L.S.)

Matt Wilson (L.S.)

Saml Huston (L.S.)

Sealed and Delivered, }

in the Presence of }

John Taggart

Oliver Taggart

Witness to M Willson

and Robt Wilson


Warrant of Appraisement


To Messrs Daniel Norwood, Allen Miller, Patrick Johnston, Samuel Reid, Hugh Kirkwood or any three or four of them.


THAT on the sixth day of December in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and twenty four personally appeared before me William Cunningham one of the Justices assigned to keep the peace in Abbeville District, Samuel Reid, Allen T Miller & Hugh Kirkwood being three of the appraisers appointed to appraise the goods and chattels of Robert Strain decd lat of Abbeville District deceased, who being duly sworn, made oath, they would make a just and true appraisement of all and singular the good and chattels of the said Robert Strain deceased, as shall be produced by Robert Wilson Administrator of the estate of the said deceased, and that they would return the same certified under their hands, unto the said Robert Strain?? on or before the thirteenth day of January next.

Sworn the day and year above written, before me, Wm Cunningham J.P.

Saml Reid

Allen T. Miller

Hugh Kirwood


Inventory & Appraisement

Estate Robert Strain decd

Recorded in Book No. 7 Page 68 & Examind by Moses Taggart O.A.D.

Returned 26th Feby 1825

A true & perfect Inventory of all the Personal Estate of Robert Strayn Deceased late of Abbeville District & State of South Carolina made by us whose names are here unto subscribed the 14th December 1824.


Lot of books appraised at $4.00

Lot of Stone Ware " 4.00

Pr Sad Irons " 1.00

Pine Table large " 4.00

Pine Cupboard " 6.00

Lot of Delph Ware " 3.50

Tin & Pewter Ware " 1.50

2 Beds with bedsteads & furniture 70.00

Trunk 3.00

2 Pine Chests " 1.50

Pine Table Small " .50

2 Spinning Wheels with Cards & Check reel 6.00

4 Barrels 3 Pails Tub & half Bushel &c. 4.00

Lot of Castings Hooks Potrack Shovel & Tongs 4.50

Coffee Mill & Glass Ware 00.75

Lot of Carpenters & Coopers tools 4.00

Shoemakers tools with Box 00.50

Meal Seive & Wooden Tray 00.75

Womans Saddle 6.00

Mans Sadde 1.00

Cutting Knife & Box 00.50

3 Axes & froe 2.37 1/2

3 Weeding hoes 00.75

Poughs & Singletrees 2.50

Sythe & Cradle 2.00

Iron Wedge .25

Rifle Gun & Shot pouch 10.00

Small Waggon & Gear 30.00

Lot of Plank 1.00

Young Bay Mare 20.00

Bay Mare old 55.00

Lot of Hogs 60.00

3 Cows & Calves & 2 Young Cattle 41.00

6 head of Sheep & 11 head of Geese 11.50


Amount $364.37 1/2

Appraised by us the day & date above written

Saml Reid

Allen T. Miller

Hugh Kirkwood


Sale Bill of the Estate Robt Strayn Decd

Returned 26th Feby 1825

Sale Bill of the Estate of Robt Strayn Decd

Matt Wilson Bot. Lot of Books $2.00

The Same " Lot of Stone Ware 3.00

The Same " Pr Sad Irons 1.00

The Same " 8 House Chairs 4.00

The Same " Large Pine Table 1.00

The Same " Pine Cupboard 4.00

The Same " Delph Ware Knives & forks &c. 3.00

The Same " Tin and Pewter Ware 1.50

The Same " 1 Bed, Bedstead & furniture 30.00

The Same " 1 Do Do & Do 36.00

The Same " Trunk 2.00

The Same " 2 Pine Chests 1.00

The Same " Small Pine Table .75

The Same " 2 Spinning Wheels with Cards & Reel 6.00

The Same " Barrels, Pails Tube &c 4.00

The Same " Castings Potrack Shovel Tongues &c 4.00

The Same " Coffee Mill & Lot of Glass Ware .75

Robt Crawford " Hand Saw 1.56 1/4

Matt Wilson " 3 Bench Plains 1.00

The Same " Lot of Coopers tools 1.75

The Same " Lot of Shoemakers tools .50

The Same " Womans Saddle 6.00

Hugh Kirkwood " Mans Do .87 1/2

Matt Wilson " Cutting Knife & Box .50

The Same " Rifle Gun & Shot Pouch 8.50

Amount $124.68 3/4

Amount brought forward $124.68 3/4

Saml Huston Bot. Hand Axe & Froe 1.12 1/2

Matt Wilson " Lot Weeding hoes .50

The Same " 2 Club axes 1.00

Saml Huston " Sythe & Crade 3.12 1/2

Matt Wilson " Lot of Ploughs Single-trees &c. 1.50

Hugh Kirkwood " Small Waggon with Harness &c. 25.00

Matt Wilson " Bay Colt 15.00

The Same " Bay Mear 50.00

Robert Wilson " 6 first Choice of Hogs 22.00

Matt Wilson " 4 Second Do of Do 12.00

Saml Huston " 9 first Choice young Hogs 11.25

Matt Wilson " 6 the balance of - Do 6.00

The Same " Sow & Pigs 6.00

The Same "Lot of Plank 1.00

The Same " Bell Cow & Calf 10.00

The Same " Red Cow & Calf 10.00

Robt Wilson " 11 Head of Geese 5.00

Robt Crawford " 6 Head Sheep 6.00

Matt Wilson " Spotted Cow & Calf 8.00

The Same " Small Bull & heifer 9.00

Amount of the Sale $328.183/4

I Certify this to be a true Sale Bill of the Goods & Chattels of Robert Strayn Deceased as disposed of at his late residence on the 14th December 1826

Saml Huston

Clerk of Sale


Receipts & Expenditures Estate of

Robert Strain decd

Returned 20 July 1832

& Examined & filed ?

Moses Taggart OAD

The Estate of Robert Strain decd in Acct Coverd with Robert Wilson Adm.or


Nov 30 To Each paid the Ordinary $6.75

1825 Decr 18. To Each paid Mary Strain 5.50

1826 Jan 10. To Cash paid Mary Strain 20.00

" " 15. To Cash paid Mary Strain 25.87 1/2

" Feb 6. To Cash paid Mary Strain 15.75

" March 9. To Cash paid Mary Strain 11.75

1824 Decr 14 Amount purchased

at Sale by Mary Strain – 257.00

1832 $340.62 1/2

July 20 paid Ordinary for this Return 3

$343.62 1/2


Jany 1st By Amount of the Sale Bill $328.18 3/4

1825 Decr 18 Recd of Robert Crofford amt of a note 5.50

1826 jan. 10 Recd of Thomas Botts amt of a note 20.00

" " 15 Recd of Hugh Kirkwood amt of note 25.87 1/2

" Feb 6 Recd of Saml Houston amt of a note 15.75

" March 9 Recd of Matthew Wilson amt of note 11.75

$78.87 1/2

Abbeville District. Personally came Robert Wilson Adm.or of the Estate of Robert Strain decd and made Oath that the above Return of Receipts & Expenditures of said Estate is Just & true to the best of his knowledge & belief

Robert Wilson

Before me 20 July 1832

Moses Taggart OAD