Matthew Wilson Will

Transcribed by James A. Strain © 2004

Wilson, Matthew – Recorded in Book No. 2 page 337 and examined by Moses Taggart O A D

I Matthew Wilson of Abbeville District in the State of South Carolina, being of sound and disposing mind & memory do make ordain and establish this my last will & Testament.

Item 1st. I have given to my sons Robert & James Wilson and to my daughter Jemimah Huston their portion of my Estate in advance.

2nd. I give and bequeath to each of my two Grandsons James Strayn and Matthew H. Strayn the sum of Fifty dollars to be paid to their Guardian (if they have one) in three years from the time of my decease & should they have no Guardian to be disposed of for their benefit at the discretion of my executors.

3rd. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Elizabeth Ann Reid the sum of Fifty dollars.

4th. I give and bequeath to my grandson William M Hadden (whenever he is capable of choosing a guardian) the sum of One Hundred dollars.

5th. I give and bequeath to my grandson William C Kirkwood, whenever he is capable of choosing a guardian, Fifty dollars.

6th. I give and bequeath to my son John H. Wilson Nine Hundred dollars as soon as it can be collected from Joseph Lyon, Three Hundred and Fifty dollars of it to be kept in my Executors hands to lift a note now in my possession due from him to his Brother James Wilson.

7th. I give devise and bequeath to my son Hugh M Wilson Two Hundred Acres of Land (more of less) whereon he now lives. On condition that he pays into the hand of my Executors in twelve months the sum of Two Hundred dollars.

8th. I give devise and bequeath to my son Leroy C Wilson Two Hundred Acres of Land where he now lives be the same more of less a plat of which shewing the quantity form and boundaries will be found amongst my papers.

9th. I allow my Executor to sell One hundred acres of Land lying between Thomas Batt? land on the East & John C. Martins land on the West.

10th. I give and bequeath to my daughter Matilda V. Branch the sum of Two hundred dollars to be paid as soon as it can be made from the sale of the land mentioned in the ninth item. or sooner if money sufficient can be collected by my Executor.

11th. I give and bequeath to my wife Elizabeth Wilson during her lifetime all the Tract of Land whereon I now live except so much as has herein been otherwise disposed of. Likewise three Horses, four Cows & calves, One yoke of Oxen, all my Beds, Bedsteads, Household & Kitchen furniture & Plantation Tools, during her life, and at her death all the property specified in this 11th Item to go to my son Matthew H. Wilson. Also my present crop together with as much Pork as may be necessary for the family. [in the left margin beside Item 11, is the following, which refers to item 11, the number of horses: "The word two altered to three before signing."]

12th. It is my will that my Executor sell on a reasonable credit all the balance of my stock, together with my Waggon, Harness and Harness Lather—also my Smith Tools and Hatter’s Tools.

13th. It is my will that my two Negroes Isaac & Fillis shall serve my wife Elizabeth Wilson during her lifetime & at her death to be sold together, and their price be equally divided between my son Matthew Harvey & my daughter Matilda Vashti.

Lastly. Should any of my children die without issue, I give & bequeath that part of my Estate already bequeathed to them, to my surviving children to be equally divided amongst them. Also I leave my wife Elizabeth Wilson my Executrix, & my son Hugh M. Wilson my Executor of this my last Will and Testament.

Signed Sealed & acknowledged to be my last will this third day of Novr in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred & thirty four.

Matt. Wilson (seal)

Robt Gilmer Senr

Hugh Kirkwood

Saml Huston

In consequence of my Son Hugh M Wilson going to move to Alabama It is my Will that my son Matthew H. Wilson & Saml Houston be also Executors of this my last will & Testament.

Matt. Wilson (Seal)

Robt Gilmer Senr

Hugh Kirkwood

Saml Huston


A true Inventory & Appraisement of the Estate of Mathew Wilson decd late of South Carolin & District of Abbeville that is required to be sold by his last Will made by us whose names are subscribed this 1st day of Jany 1835. viz

$523..12 1/2

John J. Barnett

Robt Gilmer Senr

Saml Huston